New Brewery Workshop

Next Class: Sunday and Monday, May 5th and May 6th, 2019

If you are considering opening a brewery you owe it to yourself to be as informed as possible and this intensive two-day workshop to be held at Hopshire Farm & Brewery in Freeville, NY is just what you need.

Hands-on brewing at a commercial scale.

You will observe, or participate if you wish, a brew day on our 7 barrel system. If you have brewed before this will be an informative look at how things are done at this scale and how we minimize the use of our well water.

Guidance setting up your business, licensing and operating

The second day will be devoted to a detailed walk-through of the many licenses and approvals your brewery will need.  In one place you will find a comprehensive presentation of what you will need to start your brewery.  We have collected all the information no one told us and put it into a neat note book which each attendee takes home.

Day 1  Brewday

Day 2 Licensing, Labeling and Other Approvals

The Notebook

Each attendee will receive a notebook with resources, applications and tips you will need to work through the licensing process.   This book is a resource you will return to many times during the process of opening your brewery.  The notebook includes the following section taps:


Workshop limited to 12 people to allow participation
Cost $750 per person. This is discounted to $700 for multiple attendees from the same brewery
Breakfast and Lunch will be provided both days
Dinner is on your own
We can provide a list of nearby hotels and restaurants

$100 deposit will hold your place. To reserve call Randy at 607 229-6700 or email at [email protected]


Randy Lacey

A facilities engineer for 30+ years, Randy began his transition to brewing about 15 years ago when he became a homebrewer and hops grower. He is a founding board member of the Northeast Hops Alliance and a current board member of the NY Brewers Association. He is the co-owner and head brewer at Hopshire Farm & Brewery.

Diane Gerhart

Diane was a public school teacher for 20 years and a small business bookkeeper.  She is now co-owner and Business Manager of Hopshire Farm and Brewery where she manages the tasting room and is responsible for all bookkeeping, payroll and tax submissions.

Marty Lacey

Since the opening of Hopshire in 2013 Marty has been brewing with us.  During a long career as a carpenter, Marty has also been a home brewer and winemaker.  He now works full time as a brewer.  His attention to detail and problem-solving skills are important to beer quality at Hopshire.

Zach Lanham

Prior to moving to Central New York Zach was a brewer for Oscar Blues in Longmont, Colorado.  He brings the experience and perspective of a very large brewery to the class and is passionate about helping others learn to brew.




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